Lunar Highland Basalt (gabbroic anorthosite) composition transforms with increasing pressure through assemblages of spinel + clinopyroxene + anorthite, and 


This composition was transformed into the present arms. Lithos , The source of Proterozoic anorthosite and rapakivi granite magmatism: evidence from 

0. Henrik Svahnberg the solid solution series from albite to anorthite the cell structure of the plagioclase changes to  Anorthosite /ænˈɔːrθəsaɪt/ is a phaneritic, intrusive igneous rock characterized by its composition: mostly plagioclase feldspar with a minimal mafic  Jan 10, 2018 plagioclase in anorthosite and leucogabbro units. They are spatially and the Archaean are based on the composition of non-arc basalts (e.g. Apr 5, 2021 Dense mafic minerals of the roof anorthosite are shown to have crystallized from Comparing plagioclase compositions in anorthosites and.

Anorthosite composition

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Lithos , The source of Proterozoic anorthosite and rapakivi granite isotopic composition of methyl bromide released from plant matter. av J Sundberg — Anorthosite l. 76 1.68.

SUN, X. Stable silicon isotopic compositions of the Lena River and its tributaries: Lithos , The source of Proterozoic anorthosite and rapakivi granite 

2 dagar sedan · Apollo 16 Anorthosite. Anorthosite is an important rock type of the lunar highlands and probably formed the primitive lunar crust. This sample has been determined to be 4.19 billion years old by the Argon method of dating.

The geodynamic evolution of Mesoarchean anorthosite complexes inferred from the Naajat Kuuat Complex, southern West Greenland2012Ingår i: Precambrian 

The composition of most of the central peaks we analyze is more mafic than classically defined anorthosites with an average noritic anorthosite composition similar to that of the lunar surface. 1 Introduction An anorthositic crust was proposed shortly after the return of lunar samples [ Wood et al., 1970 ]. Bulk composition of the Moon constrained by the conditions of anorthosite crust formation (斜長岩質地殻形成条件から制約する月バルク組成) 酒井 理紗 A basic understanding of inner structure, chemical composition and thermal history for the Moon have been provided from the extensive explorations, including remote Systematic variations of the mineral chemistry of ferroan anorthosite 60025, which is probably a mixture of closely related materials, suggest that lunar anorthosites formed by strong fractional crystallization and near-perfect adcumulate growth, without trapping liquid.

Anorthosite composition

Anorthosite (cont.) 2 Thin Sections. The following thin sections come from a sample of Archean anorthosite in Minnesota. Usually, Archean anorthosites are more Ca-rich than Proterozoic ones (e.g., in the Laramie Mountains, Wyoming, or the Adirondack Mountains, New York), which verifies below. anorthosite (Chatterjee, 1959) is an E-W elongated, “tadpole-shaped”, 250 km2 large massif at the eastern margin of the CGC. It is located between 23°27'48"N and Anorthosite layer numbers are positive and increase upwards in the Upper Zone, and are negative, increasing downward, in the Main Zone. If we rigorously used a density limit of 2·8 g/cm 3 to define anorthosite, then anorthosite layer –17 in Fig. 7a would become split into three anorthosite layers. Applying this principle throughout the core The Snow Creek anorthosite is characterized by a lack of olivine and magnetite and the presence of iridescent plagioclase of composition An47 to An56; it is commonly quartz-bearing. Diorite, gabbro, anorthosite — the three root names in this field are separated according to the colour index and the average composition of their plagioclase – anorthosite (M < 10%), diorite (M > 10%, plagioclase An0 – An50), gabbro (M > 10%, plagioclase An50 –An100).
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Anorthosite composition

Mode of occurrence. Anorthosite plutons occur in a wide range of sizes. Some smaller plutons, exemplified by many anorthosite bodies in the U.S. and Harris in Scotland, cover only a few dozen square kilometres. Larger plutons, like the Mt. Lister Anorthosite, in northern anorthosite (Chatterjee, 1959) is an E-W elongated, “tadpole-shaped”, 250 km2 large massif at the eastern margin of the CGC. It is located between 23°27'48"N and 23°35'N latitudes and between 86°50'53"E and 87°15'E longitudes at Saltora, West Bengal (Fig.

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Composition and petrogenesis of oxide-, apatite-rich gabbronorites associated with Proterozoic anorthosite massifs: examples from the Adirondack Mountains, New York

On the other hand, spinel-bearing anorthosite can form directly on cooling of superliquidus melts of anorthite-rich composition. The composition of most of the central peaks we analyze is more mafic than classically defined anorthosites with an average noritic anorthosite composition similar to that of the lunar surface. 1 Introduction An anorthositic crust was proposed shortly after the return of … Some of the anorthosite mythology was discussed, The rocks are light to dark grey through brownish to purple in colour and vary in composition from anorthosite through leuconorite to norite. In this sample of Proterozoic anorthosite from Scotland, the same method gives the extinction angles d A,B = 35° (299-264) and d A,C = 35° (334-299). So the composition of this plagioclase crystal is Ab 38 An 62, which is labradorite.

SUN, X. Stable silicon isotopic compositions of the Lena River and its tributaries: Lithos , The source of Proterozoic anorthosite and rapakivi granite 

Anorthite is found in mafic igneous rocks. Anorthite is rare on the Earth but abundant on the Moon. In petrology, the plagioclase series are defined based on their percentage of albite (Ab) to anorthite (An). Compositions of individual samples are usually written as An 24 Ab 76 meaning in this case that it is 24% anorthite and 76% albite. Anorthosites occur as fragments or inclusions of widely varying size and shape in many other igneous rock types, ranging in composition from granite to basalt to kimberlite. 1974-12-01 · If the garnet were concentrated in the residuum during partial melting, the magmas produced at various stages of melting would have different light/heavy REE proportions. TRACE ELEMENT COMPOSITION OF ANORTHOSITE PLAGIOCLASE 100- 219 Saot (SOD BJ-SGN.

Anorthite is the calcium endmember of the plagioclase feldspar mineral series. The chemical formula of pure anorthite is CaAl2Si2O8. Anorthite is found in mafic igneous rocks. Anorthite is rare on the Earth but abundant on the Moon. In petrology, the plagioclase series are defined based on their percentage of albite (Ab) to anorthite (An). Compositions of individual samples are usually written as An 24 Ab 76 meaning in this case that it is 24% anorthite and 76% albite. Anorthosites occur as fragments or inclusions of widely varying size and shape in many other igneous rock types, ranging in composition from granite to basalt to kimberlite.